Saturday, August 15, 2009


我々マッキノーMillcreekでキャンプにはキャンプ場ヒューロン湖で、今年の夏の休暇を取得。なんてすてきなキャンプ場。そこは、スイミングプー ル、店の、彼らが、 WI - FIインターネットが2.50時間、 5日間で私は、多くの価格を保証するために使うとは思わなかった。私はインターネット無料です。私たちは火曜日の午後には多くの時間を費やした後に準備 し、ポップアップでは、キャンピングカーバン電気作業得る到着。 (光信号を)解決するには、一度私たちは、暖かい太陽の下で、静かな湖キャンプ場静穏浸した。我々の火災のピットには完璧だったの湖だった。私たちはとて もよく働いて燃焼させる木材の2つのバンドルを購入した。
次の日はマッキノー島に行った。非常に非常に良いが、一日の大半を過ごす、それだった。フェリーのチケットの割引をMillCreekので、 島の移動に64ドルの砦に入る費やした費用96ドルだった。もちろん我々としてキャロルそれをごまかすときに何をすべきか島後藤と述べていた。リジーの旅 は彼女の友人は毎朝と呼ばれる。彼女はまさに彼女の新しい携帯電話が好きだ。



Summer Vacation!

This year summer vacation we acquired a camping spot on lake Huron in Millcreek Camping at Mackinaw. What a nice campground. There's a swimming pool, store, they have WiFi but at 2.50 hour or 5 a day didn't think I would use it that much to warrant that price. I like my internet free. We arrived Tuesday in the afternoon after much time spent getting ready and getting the vans electrical working with the pop-up camper. (light signals) Once settled in to our on the lake camp site we soaked in the warm sun and the quiet serenity. Our fire pit was down by the lake which was perfect. We bought two bundles of wood to burn which worked out very well.
The next day we went to Mackinac Island. Spend most of the day there, It was very very nice. MillCreek had a discount on the ferry tickets so it cost $96 to goto the island and $64 we spent getting into the fort. Of course we had to get fudge as Carol said it what you do when you goto the island. Lizzie called her friend every morning of the trip. She really likes her new phone.

All in all we had a very good time not withstanding an argument or two. But who counting. I had a very relaxing time away from work and away from my computer. I really didn't miss my notebook at all.

Until next time folks this is the Sutton family signing off.